Shipping & Returns
Just Vegan sends to all countries of the world.
Depending on products' availability and your location it may take weeks or even more than 1 month for your order to arrive since payment.
You can return an unused product and get a refund..
We welcome payments by:
* Paypal (where you can use cards like Visa and Mastercard for instance)
* Transfer from European bank account to our IBAN PT50004534544030082679374 or by entering entity and reference on a Portuguese ATM, bank account website, MBWay app, CTT or Payshop that you'll receive in the purchase confirmation email.
Payments may take 2 or 3 days to confirm.
About Just Vegan
Just Vegan is an independent web store bringing vegan affordable goods to people and other animals all over the world.
We're always aiming to provide products that are best for your health, less damaging to the environment and more ethical.
As an independent store we have no ties with any brands and will dynamically continue to replace products by others that are better and offer further ethical and environmental advances. This fits with our no compromise policy.
We welcome all your feedback, including warning us of any mistake or lack of information on the website and informing us of any ethical issues with a company or product we sell.
How we choose the products we sell:
* Must be vegan and as such not tested on animals
* Foods must not have hydrogenated fat or palm even if organic and RSPO certified. Although we reject palmitic acid based soaps, some personal hygiene and cosmetic products may have palm derivatives as the quantities are usually minimal and it's a difficult task if at all possible to know if some ingredients are palm derived or not as you can see here https://www.withcompassion.com.au/alternate-palm-oil-names
Products without our "Palm free" label don't necessarily contain a palm derivative. It might be the case that we still haven't found out if any of the ingredients is derived from palm.
* Preference for organic
* Less sugars, mainly cane sugar
* Preference for social responsibility certified, like Fairtrade
* Less food miles
* Less packaging
With all these attributes being considered we take into account the opinion of our customers about the products' taste and performance.
Please let us know your opinion about the products we sell.
If we don't sell any of your favourite products we would be glad to know so that maybe we will be able to start providing them.
To help you find the products you are looking for you can use filters in your search. Be aware that all food and drinks we sell are palm free so we assigned the label "PALM FREE" only to supplements and cosmetics that declare that on the package or that is possible to verify that on the ingredient list. We also only assigned the label "gluten free" when that is stated on the package. We don't assign that label to products just because they don't have any ingredient with gluten in the ingredient list as there might have been cross contamination.
All the products we sell are to the best of our knowledge free from animal experiments but we only assigned the label "CRUELTY FREE CERTIFIED" to the ones that have that certification.
Contact us
Avenida da Ribeira, 2D
3420-426 Tábua, Portugal
+351 960353111
(cost of call to mobile phone)
Get directions